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UNIKA U-PV Cables for Photovoltaic Systems

Unika Solar Cables are designed and manufactured according to EN50618 passing all ageing and electrical tests successfully and are certified by TÜV. Providing reliable performance for the demanding requirements and harsh conditions ensuring safe and long-lasting Solar Energy Systems.


UNIKA AGL Cables lighting the New Istanbul Airport

Ün­ika’s AGL Cables are more and more preferred at the world’s major A­irfield Projects Now very recently at the New Istanbul Ai­rport Runway. With the addition of this third runway, the Istanbul Ai­rport has now become of the few a­irports i­n the world wi­th tri­ple parallel takeoff and land­ing capabilities.



We have showcased our technologies and solutions at the ADIPEC 2022, the world’s largest oil, gas and energy event in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. ADIPEC is one of the world’s largest oil, gas and energy exhibitions. Hosted by the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), ADIPEC is the world’s most influential gathering for energy industry […]

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