MGM 110/1984

Telephone and Signal Cables for Mines,
110 V


Conductor : Electrolytic, stranded, annealed, bare copper wire – Class 2
Insulation :  PVC
Inner Sheath :  PVC compound, resistant to oil and flame
Armour :  Galvanized round steel wire
Outer Sheath : PVC resistant to oil and flame

Standard MGM 110 / 1984

Technical Data


110 V Ocakiçi Sinyal Kablosu / 110 V  Signal Cables for Mines
Cross-Section 1.5 Cross-Section 1.5
Max. DC Resistance (Ω/km) 12.1 Max. DC Resistance (Ω/km) 12.1
 Nominal Weight (kg/km) / Nominal Diameter (mm)




Number of Cores

Single Armoured Signal Cable  




Number of Cores

Double Armoured Signal Cable
2 300/12 2 410/18
4 370/15 4 570/20
7 470/17 7 630/21
10 720/20 10 980/25
12 890/20 12 1160/26
14 1040/21 14 1290/27
19 1430/23 19 1770/28
37 2784/29 37 2990/35
61 4590/35 61 4790/40
91 6830/41 91 6950/48


 110 V Telephone Cables for Mines
 Nominal Weight (kg/km) / Nominal Diameter (mm)
Number of Pairs
Cross-Section (mm2) Max. DC Resistance (Ω/km) 1 2 4 7 10 12 19 27 30 37 48 61
Single Armoured Telephone Cable



0.5 36
0.75 24.5
1 18.1
1.5 12.1 280/12 360/13 630/18 880/21 1320/26 1460/28 1620/33 2300/40 3350/41 4150/44 4460/49 5770/55
2.5 7.41



Double Armoured Telephone Cable
0.5 36
0.75 24.5
1 18.1
1.5 12.1 420/1 590/19 890/21 1180/28 1510/35 1790/37 1970/39 2490/46 36030/48 4390/50 4670/56 5960/62
2.5 7.41