Ünika’s Safe Return to Port Cables
(WSR Cables)

Fire & Water Resistant, Unarmoured
Technical Datasheet

General Details

Ünika’s Safe Return to Port Cables (WSR Cables)

In the event of a fire on board of a vessel, cables used to power critical equipments, must remain functional for a certain period of time to enable a safe evacuation. Regular “fire-resistant” cables commonly used in the market are designed and tested to function only under fire, without considering other aspects. However, in a real life fire, the cables are not only exposed to flames, but also to the water sprayed from the fire extinguishing systems as well as to the impacts of the falling materials destroyed by the fire. WSR cables developed by Unika are designed and manufactured to withstand these real fire conditions and the related test standards*.

*Related test standards: EN 50200 Annex E Water Spray and BS 8491 Water jet tests

  1. Conductor :Electrolytic annealed bare or tinned stranded copper in accordance with IEC 60228 Class 2 or Class 5
  2. Tape : Helical applied fire resistant tape
  3. Insulation : Cross-linked polyolefin halogen-free , HF 90 in accordance with IEC 60092-360
  4. Bedding : Polyester tape or halogen free extruded compound (Optional)
  5. Tape : Fire resistant glass fiber tape
  6. Tape : Double copper backed polyester tape
  7. Tape : Fire resistant glass fiber tape
  8. Outer Jacket : Halogen free extruded compound, SHF1 or SHF2 in accordance with IEC 60092-360
Technical Features

Rated Voltage : 0,6/1 kV
Test Voltage :  3,5 kV
Temparuture Range :  -40 °C / + 90 °C
Bending Radius : 6xOuter Diameter
Halogen Free Properties : IEC 60754-1 & IEC 60754-2
Low Smoke Emission :  IEC 61034-1 & IEC 61034-2
Flame Retardancy : IEC 60332-1
Flame Propagation :  IEC 60332-3-22 Cat. A
Fire Resistant : IEC 60331-2, EN 50200 Annex E Water Spray Test ( Under 20 mm OD )
Fire Resistant : IEC 60331-1, BS 8491 Water jet test ( Over 20 mm OD )
Cold Bend :  CSA C22.2 No. 0.3-09 ( -40˚C )
Cold Impact :  CSA C22.2 No. 0.3-09 ( -35˚C )
Design Guideline : IEC 60092-353
Application : Especially intended to ensure the availability of all critical transportation-, comfort- and safety systems, i.e. to meet the concepts of; Orderly Evacuation (3 hours burning time) and Safe Return to Port (Fire test with simultaneous Water Spray / Water Jet + mechanical shocks) to simulate the fi refi ghting conditions.