Fire Resistant, Unarmoured, 0,6/1 kV Fire Resistant Unscreened Power & Lighting Cables

General Details

0,6/1 kV Fire Resistant Unscreened
Power & Lighting Cables

Technical Datasheet

  1. Conductor : Electrolytic, stranded, annealed, bare or tinned copper, Class 2 or Class 5
  2. Mica Glass tape
  3. Insulation : XLPE
  4. Inner Sheath : Halogen-free thermoplastic filler or polyester tape
  5. Outer Sheath : Grey or black colored, halogen-free, low smoke, flame-retardant, polyolefine based thermoplastic compound
Technical Features

Rated Voltage : 0,6/1 kV
Test Voltage : 3,5 kV
Temperature Range : -40°C / +90°C
Bending Radius : 6 x Outer Diameter
Halogen free properties : IEC 60754-1&2
Low smoke emission : IEC 61034-1&2
Flame Retardancy : IEC 60332-3 CAT.A
Application : Used in ships and sea vehicles for power and lighting applications.
Halogen-free, flame retardant and low smoke density type cables, these cables have function endurance according to IEC 60331.
Standards of Design & Tests : IEC 60092-353 & IEC 60092-350 & IEC 60331-21

Technical Data


 Nominal Cross-section Net Weight (approx.) Overall Diameter of Cable (approx.) Conductor DC Resistance at 20˚C
mm2 kg/km mm ohm/km
1×1 40 5.0 18.100
1×1,5 50 6.0 12.100
1×2,5 60 6.0 7.400
1×4 80 7.0 4.610
1×6 100 7.0 3.080
1×10 140 8.0 1.830
1×16 200 9.0 1.150
1×25 320 11.0 0.727
1×35 420 12.0 0.524
1×50 520 14.0 0.387
1×70 750 16.0 0.268
1×95 990 18.0 0.193
1×120 1,280 20.0 0.154
1×150 1,560 22.0 0.126
1×185 1,930 25.0 0.100
1×240 2,430 27.0 0.076
1×300 3,010 30.0 0.060
2×1 70 9.0 18.100
2×1,5 90 9.0 12.100
2×2,5 120 10.0 7.400
2×4 160 12.0 4.610
2×6 200 13.0 3.080
2×10 300 15.0 1.830
2×16 420 17.0 1.150
2×25 1,040 23.0 0.727
2×35 1,310 26.0 0.524
2×50 1,700 29.0 0.387
2×70 2,320 33.0 0.268
2×95 2,990 37.0 0.193
3×1 90 9.0 18.100
3×1,5 110 10.0 12.100
3×2,5 150 11.0 7.400
3×4 210 12.0 4.610
3×6 270 14.0 3.080
3×10 410 16.0 1.830
3×16 590 198.0 1.150
3×25 1,290 25.0 0.727
3×35 1,640 27.0 0.524
3×50 2,060 30.0 0.387
3×70 2,900 35.0 0.268
3×95 3,770 39.0 0.193
3×120 4,850 44.0 0.154
3×150 5,910 49.0 0.126
3×185 7,450 55.0 0.100
3×240 9,300 60.0 0.076
4×1 110 10.0 18.100
4×1,5 140 11.0 12.100
4×2,5 190 12.0 7.400
4×4 270 14.0 4.610
4×6 350 15.0 3.080
4×10 530 18.0 1.830
4×16 770 20.0 1.150
4×25 1,620 27.0 0.727
4×35 2,070 30.0 0.524
4×50 2,600 34.0 0.387
4×70 3,730 39.0 0.268
4×95 4,890 44.0 0.193
4×120 6,350 50.0 0.154
4×150 7,730 55.0 0.126
5×1 140 11.0 18.100
5×1,5 170 12.0 12.100
5×2,5 240 14.0 7.400
7×1 180 12.0 18.100
7×1,5 230 13.0 12.100
7×2,5 310 15.0 7.400
10×1 250 15.0 18.100
10×1,5 320 16.0 12.100
10×2,5 440 18.0 7.400
12×1 290 16.0 18.100
12×1,5 370 18.0 12.100
12×2,5 520 20.0 7.400
14×1 330 17.0 18.100
14×1,5 430 19.0 12.100
14×2,5 600 21.0 7.400
16×1 380 18.0 18.100
16×1,5 480 20.0 12.100
16×2,5 680 22.0 7.400
19×1 430 19.0 18.100
19×1,5 560 21.0 12.100
19×2,5 780 23.0 7.400
24×1 540 22.0 18.100
24×1,5 700 24.0 12.100
24×2,5 990 27.0 7.400
27×1 610 24.0 18.100
27×1,5 790 26.0 12.100
27×2,5 1,110 28.0 7.400
33×1 730 26.0 18.100
33×1,5 940 28.0 12.100
33×2,5 1,340 31.0 7.400
37×1 800 27.0 18.100
37×1,5 1,050 29.0 12.100
37×2,5 1,490 32.0 7.400
Diğer damar sayılı kablolar ve kesitler istek üzerine üretilebilir. / Other number of cores and cross sections on request.