Airfield Ground Lighting Cables
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Primary Type-C XLPE AGL Cables
Ground Lighting Cable Type C, Unscreened ICEA S-93-639/NEMA WC 74 - FAA specifications L-824 (150/5345-7F)
Primary Type-C XLPE AGL Cables
Ground Lighting Cable Type C, Braid Screened ICEA S-93-639/NEMA WC 74 - FAA specifications L-824 (150/5345-7F)
Primary Type-C XLPE AGL Cables
Ground Lighting Cable Type C, Tape Screened ICEA S-93-639/NEMA WC 74 - FAA specifications L-824 (150/5345-7F)
Primary Type-B EPR AGL Cables
Ground Lighting Cable Type B, Unscreened ICEA S-96-659/NEMA WC 71 - FAA specifications L-824 (150/5345-7F)
Primary Type-B EPR AGL Cables
Ground Lighting Cable Type B, Braid Screened ICEA S-93-639/NEMA WC 74 - FAA specifications L-824 (150/5345-7F)
Primary Type-B EPR AGL Cables
Ground Lighting Cable Type B, Tape Screened ICEA S-93-639/NEMA WC 74 - ICEA S-93-639/NEMA WC 74
Secondary Type-C XLPE AGL Cables
Secondary Airfield Ground Lighting Cable Type C, Unscreened ICEA S-95-658/NEMA WC 70 -FAA specifications L-824 (150/5345-7F)
Secondary Type-B EPR AGL Cables
Secondary Airfield Ground Lighting Cable Type B, Rubber Unscreened FAA - L 824 (AC 150/5345 - 7F) / MAK Type Certificate
Secondary Type-B PVC/Nylon AGL Cables
Secondary Airfield Ground Lighting Cable Type B PVC or Nylon, Unscreened ICEA S-95-658/NEMA WC 70 - FAA specifications L-824 (150/5345-7F)
Flexible Low Voltage Energy Cable TS EN 50525-2-31
Bare Copper
Bare Copper, Type H2 IEC 60228